Reverse Integration:
Helping White America Join the Village
The M.O.Scale: Know and Controlf Your Future

The M.O. Scale: A Tool for Demystifying, Predicting,
and Changing Behavior
Master the Method of Operation Scale and
* Understand why you and others do what they do
* Predict what people will do in the future
* Change the way you approach and respond
to the world
* Have a GPS system for navigating the sea of human
* Give yourself the best chance to make things go
the way you believe they should
So what’s your M.O.? Order your copy today

What Every Parent Wants for Their Child and How to Get It!
I was introduced to the M.O. Scale by Dr. Jim in 1984. I continue to use it to understand my own behavior and predict the behavior of others. It works! It is the gospel to me when it comes to assessing how to communicate effectively. I even named my first production company, M.O. Productions back in 1985!
Mark Schulman, Drummer, Producer, Motivator
“What Every Parent Wants for Their Child and How to Get It” provides parents with the tools to build their sons’ and daughters’ self-esteem, strengthen their powers of self-direction, and develop their capacity for self-discipline. It is a very accessible read filled with stories and anecdotes addressing the key issues of motivation, responsibility, self-determination, communication, and relationship building.
Each chapter concludes with a “Student Interlude.” These are two to four page essays speaking directly to teenagers. These inspirational/motivational pieces for your daughter or son are meant to be jumping off points from which parents and their teens can explore the ideas offered in the book.
Easy A's: Winning the School Game
Learning how to get great grades with an edge!
We get paid in this world for doing things right. We get paid extra if we do them right and fast. School is a wonderful laboratory for our kids to develop their ability to do so. Easy A’s can show them how. It covers all the basics: motivation, organization, time management, as well as study skills and test taking strategies that really work.
More importantly, Easy A’s shows students how to approach school strategically! With the right strategy C’s can readily become B’s and B’s can easily become A’s!

Dr. Klusky does however, provide us with a rare glimpse into an outsider's journey to the inside of a culture and community reeling from multiple displacements, racial terrorism, and policies designed to economically marginalize its residents. This book is not just about the people that are living under the historical yoke of oppression, it is more a book about their heightened capacity and skill, beauty, strength and resilience. This book is for people wanting to join the 'village' to connect and grow themselves in the company of individuals, families, and groups that are different from themselves.
Joy DeGruy, PhD
The face of America is changing. Within the next 30 years, American of color will become the majority. It has been said many times, across many decades, that if America is going to thrive, all Americans must learn to live and work together. Dr. Klusky believes we will need to do better if we are to meet the many challenges before us. More than learning to live and work together, he believes we can learn to truly connect with one another. We can develop our capacity to understand each other and so develop meaningful relationships of depth with each other. We ca learn to be with one another.
Historically, Americans of color have been learning how to be with white Americans since our inception, often in order to simply survive. Given that many white Americans have historically been disinterested in, often antagonistic towards, and at times violent towards their fellow citizens of color, these efforts have usually been one-sided. The result has been 400 years of division and disconnection.
Today, more and more of us are feeling this disconnection. Some of us are becoming increasingly aware of this disconnection as our neighborhoods and workplaces are becoming more diverse. A number of us want greater connection, yet we are unsure how to connect. We are reticent to make the attempt; being inhibited by
the potential for unintentionally offending folks or worse, making a mistake and being labeled a 'racist'. Others, such as educators, social service providers, and healthcare providers, to name but a few, who are serving in communities becoming increasingly diverse by the year are also feeling this disconnection, perhaps even more keenly. For how many times have these professionals, good people with the best of intentions, had their efforts misinterpreted and their assistance rejected? Corporate America is also becoming more aware as they work to attract, develop, and retain a diversifying workforce, and as they work to attract and serve more diverse clients and consumers.
Dr. Klusky wrote “Reverse Integration” for white folks interested in learning to be with their brothers and sisters of color, though all readers will likely find something of value in its pages. “Reverse Integration” is part sociological study, part autobiography, Dr. Klusky first examines the sociological and psychological forces behind our disconnection, and its impacts on both Americans of color as well as white Americans. Then, through stories of the lessons he has learned as a white man serving in, and becoming a part of, the African American community in Portland, Oregon, Dr. Jay provides the reader with guides to creating their own paths to connection as we endeavor to make America a more just and equitable community